
Tycho Veltmeijer

Informatics | Teaching | Politics

Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences logoBachelor's degree
Studied Technical Informatics (TI) at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. Completed the study and obtained my Bachelor's degree.


A fully featured subscription based education platform build by me from scratch. Here I offer my courses. You can follow courses to learn the techniques HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP (more different courses will be available in the future). Please take a look around at the website and try a trail lesson.
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Copy OneOnOne WindowsJSONJavascriptHTML5Assembly x64Assembly x86
A backup system written for TV's server as a plugin. The system compares two different directories and registers the differences: added, removed and modified files. The system itself has no user interface (however, a HTML interface is included) and can be controlled by a well documented API.
Download | More information

TV's server v3.20 (now ported to Linux) WindowsLinuxProgramming language CAssembly x64Assembly x86
TV's server is a platform for network services. It's completely written in Assembly (x86 and x64) and because of that it is small in size with great performance. The source can be downloaded and edited for free. Network service can be added through a plug-in system that can be written in the programming language Assembly and C. Examples of a plug-in with source can be downloaded.
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This website (2018) CSS3JavascriptHTML5
This website is my design completely. A combination of Javascript, HTML5 and CSS3 is used. The goal was to build a representive website with the latest technology. Part of this was to learn about animations. Have you already tried to move your mouse or finger over my name? This is not the first animation made, please click the link below for an other example.
Animation demo

CPUID viewWindowsLinuxAssembly x64Assembly x86
A program that enumerates processor information and functionality, it will let you know which functionality the processor in your computer is supporting. The source and binaries can be downloaded and edited for free.

PEToolWindowsAssembly x86
PETool is written to research the PE-file format (Windows application). One of the possibilities it's offering is to display all the information of the PE-header in readable format on the screen. Another possibility is to recover a PE-header or to expand applications. This can be done by adding compiled machine code to the program and move the entrypoint to this peace of code.
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Memory analyserWindowsProgramming language C
In commission by the Netherlands Forensic Institute (for a school project) we, in a group, researched if a browser leaves traceable data on the hard drive after surfing on the web using a private session. I researched the memory. To test my findings I created this program called Memory Analyser, that can be used to find the navigation and cookies of a browser. It's a Windows program that tries to find structures and URLs on live memory or on memory dumps taken earlier. The browsers Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox and Chrome where examined. The results of this research can also be downloaded (this document is written in Dutch).
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Secure phoneEmbeddedProgramming language C
I questioned myself: is it possible to message each other without being eavesdropped. To answer this question I tried to develop a mobile phone. This means I put together hardware and wrote the software. This telephone could send text messages with XOR-encryption and an infinite, once to be used, key. The prototype was a success, however, my interests went in a different direction and it never came to production.

Digital exam environmentLinux
During my time as a teacher, the university I worked for wanted a way to take programming examinations in a digital and safe way. I took responsibility for this task. One important condition was that the students were not able to cheat, with the Internet as the biggest threat. As a result I built a costumed Linux kernel with no network drivers presented. This kernel was combined with desktop and develop software to be written to a USB-key as a bootable USB stick. The students booted up their own laptop with this USB-key in order to safeley make the programming exam.

Examine toolWindowsProgramming language C#
As a result of the Digital exam environment (see previous project), teachers received dozens of digital tests. These tests existed of lots of directories, with multiple assignments and files. Because of this, half of the time was used for organizing what was to be examined. I created this program to ease up this process. Opening the correct files with, by the teacher, assigned tools. Another possibility is to program keystrokes with variables to be send to open windows. Combined, this tool could automate almost every organising task, which let the teacher actually examine the tests.

Stop animation
C#!... Java |HTML

ASM print (b);prnit b;a=b;r.z=3;errorC
<<BackWindowsJSONJavascriptHTML5Assembly x64Assembly x86

Copy OneOnOne
A backup system written for TV's server as a plugin. The system compares two different directories and registers the differences: added, removed and modified files. The system itself has no user interface (however, a HTML interface is included) and can be controlled by a well documented API.

Through this API the differences can be (un)selected and the backup process can be started. Through the API a detailed status of the backup process can be requested to inform the user. There is an installation script included to build TV's server and Copy OneOnOne and install it as a separate service. For the more technical users, it is possible to install the plugin for the already existing TV's server installation, by manually configure the plugin and using the control panel to start the service.

Download source
Size: 250.083 bytes

API documentation
Size: 87.689 bytes

<<BackWindowsLinuxProgramming language CAssembly x64Assembly x86

TV's server v3.20
TV's server is a platform for network services. It's completely written in Assembly (x86 and x64) and because of that it is small in size with great performance. The source can be downloaded and edited for free. Network service can be added through a plug-in system that can be written in the programming language Assembly and C. Examples of a plug-in with source can be downloaded.

Download installer for windows x64
Size: 356.644 bytes

Download installer for windows x86
Size: 351.351 bytes

Download source and examples
Size: 369.306 bytes

Download C examples
Size: 40.600 bytes

On-line documentation

Download documentation
Size: 485.017 bytes

TV's server version 3.10 TV's server version 3.00
<<BackWindowsAssembly x86

PETool is written to research the PE-file format (Windows application). One of the possibilities it's offering is to display all the information of the PE-header in readable format on the screen. Another possibility is to recover a PE-header or to expand applications. This can be done by adding compiled machine code to the program and move the entrypoint to this peace of code..

This tool works with 32-bit windows applications only, it doesn't work with 64-bit applications. The possible instructions that can be used in this program can be requested by typing the command help, to request a specific documentation from a command, type in help followed by a space and command name.

Example expanding an application

Download PETool
Size: 8.624 bytes

Download example code
Size: 3.714 bytes

<<BackWindowsProgramming language C

Memory Analyser
In commission by the Netherlands Forensic Institute (for a school project) we, in a group, researched if a browser leaves traceable data on the hard drive after surfing on the web using a private session. I researched the memory. To test my findings I created this program called Memory Analyser, that can be used to find the navigation and cookies of a browser. It's a Windows program that tries to find structures and URLs on live memory or on memory dumps taken earlier. The browsers Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox and Chrome where examined. The results of this research can also be downloaded (this document is written in Dutch).

The research took place mid 2013 which means the browsers used in this research are outdated. Because of that, some finding are not representive for the today's browsers, however, some findings still are as of 2018.

Memory research (pdf, in dutch only)
Size: 184.508 bytes

Download Memory analyser x64
Size: 81.475 bytes

Download Memory analyser x86
Size: 79.671 bytes

Download sourcecode Memory Analyser
Size: 95.701 bytes


What is HLessons?
A fully featured subscription based education platform build by me from scratch. Here I offer my courses. You can follow courses to learn the techniques HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP (more different courses will be available in the future). Please take a look around at the website and try a trail lesson.
Go to website

Background story
I'm an entrepreneur and founder of Hlessons. Since the beginning of time I have been interested in IT related subjects, and I started programming at a very young age. After finishing the study technical computing, I started teaching at the university of applied sciences in Leiden. A few years later I decided to start a programming career, but soon I realised that I missed my students. This is where Hlessons was born.

When I learned coding as a kid I thought it was fun and adventurous. This is also what I want to teach my students. That coding is a new and exciting world to explore. Because of corona, all lessons where switched to online teaching programs. Therefore I started creating this new platform to go along with it. In the future I will also organise offline lessons in the Netherlands, most likely nearby Groningen, Amsterdam, and Utrecht.

University of Applied Sciences Leiden logoTeaching
Working from 2015 until 2018 I really enjoyed having contact with the students. Guiding the students, teaching them and admiring their works of art is what I loved doing. I did this at University of Applied Sciences at Leiden. My tasks included the following.

During my teaching, I took several courses.
  • Basiskwalificatie Didactische Bekwaamheid (BDB)official Dutch diploma which certifies a person as an official University of Applied Sciences teacher.
  • Basiskwalificatie Examinering (BKE) diploma which certifies a person to make and examine tests at the University of Applied Sciences at Leiden.

Lectures (dutch recordings)

Below are some recorded lectures of me. The first one is in front of a lecture hall, the other without audience. The videos are Dutch spoken

Screenshot of LectureLecture
A lecture with subjects like the Huffman code en error detection like parity bits and Hamming Distance.

Screenshot of Web lectureWeb lecture
An example of a web lecture recorded for the course Unified Modeling Language. This web lecture is about the subject Sequence diagram.

Why this topic?
Yes, politics, the best subject to talk about at parties. Me myself am a very opinionated person that thinks a lot about where the society is going. I truly believe that a big part of our western success lies in classical liberal freedoms (read: individual freedoms). This because time after time politicians have proven themselves not to be the all knowing types. Planning economies have always failed to bring wealth (it rather brings shortages) and oppression always led to people not being able to fully flourish or led them lie about their success. Now we live in a digital age with a lot of opportunities to make life easier, but somehow this also led politicians to believe that a third time (or god knows how many times) is the charm.


Equality for the law?
In my opinion it started at 9/11, when politicians felt a big pressure to do something. Here in the Netherlands, where until that moment everybody was equal for the law, we created a second kind of civilian, the terrorist. For the same crime a terrorist could get a higher sentence then a normal (read: not-terrorist) would get. This always seems strange to me. Should the relatives of a killed relative settle for a lower sentence, just because the murderer wasn't identified as a terrorist? This inequality seems especially strange in a rule of law, where every crime should be punished the same way.


This is where, I think, the politicians felt powerful again. Even more so where the secret services, as Edward Snowden has proven in the USA. Here in the Netherlands our politicians did their own part. We now have something that calls the 'sleepwet', where the secret service can keep track of all the internet traffic in a neighborhood where there is only one suspect.

We also have a new organization called NCTV (National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security). This organization is another kind of secret service created to keep track of terrorist organizations in The Netherlands. In the past few years it has become clear that they also keep track of, and take actions against, people and organizations with a different opinions then that from the government. This means that the democracy is at stake here. People should be able to have a different opinion, without the government watching their every move. This seems very dystopian!

Free speech
Next is Europe, with their war on fake news. With the new DSA law, they even go as far as force platforms to remove fake news. I wrote an article about it here (in dutch). I think current politicians interpret our freedom of speech as if it is freedom of truth. All lies are suddenly dangerous and should be banned. I agree with them that lies cán be dangerous, but mostly from those in power. But sadly enough, they continue to lie and deceive.

To inform people about politics I created some websites, see the list below.

Screenshot of BGTK (dutch website)BGTK (dutch website)
A website with the voting results of the second chamber in the Netherlands. The goal is create an insightful and user friendly website for people to get to know what happens in politics.

Screenshot of Neehoor (dutch website)Neehoor (dutch website)
A website where I will publish opinionated articles about political events, beginning with the attack on free speech by our politicians.

Screenshot of Digitale teststraat (dutch website)Digitale teststraat (dutch website)
A website, formally hosted on https://digitale-teststraat.nl/, which served as satire for the absurd testing policy that we carried out in the Netherlands during the COVID period. The website is no longer on-line, but the link will bring you to the archived web page.

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<⚊ This is me
...Tycho Veltmeijer
My fields of expertise are shown above
...Like IT
...My teaching career
.. and my new hobby!
You can click on them for more info.

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